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Template: Miss Squirrel
Big Helped: Nurul Atiqah

Stop comparing Infinite with others group T_T

 Yeah . Stop comparing my Infinite with others group T_T I'm begging you . Stop with that . I'm sick of it . Infinite is Infinite . They no copy others groups . Sama jugak macam group lain . Derang tak meniru sesiapa . So , stop membezakan mereka . Mereka ada kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing . Baca bawah ni . I'm sure Inspirit will cry T_T Yeah . I'm crying read it . 

Jangan bandingkan Infinite dengan EXO please . SHINee too . Derang tak sama . Please . I'm begging you all . Jangan bandingkan antara satu sama lain . Mereka sangat berbeza . Tak bermakna Infinite bukan SM artists , boleh dibandingkan macam tu . Infinite dengan EXO mana group debut dulu ? Infinite right ? Please . Memang tak Infinite tak setanding dengan SM artists , tapi itu bukan alasan korang boleh buat macam tu . Membandingkan group lain . Please be mature -.- Sometimes , i hate other fandoms -.- Seriously , always starts fanwars . Please , We are kpoppers remember ? Kpoppers always support semua group . Thank you .